The lion is one of the big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae...blah blah blah... Lets skip to the fun part
big cats once roamed Africa, Asia and Europe. However, now they are found in only two areas of the world and are classified into two subspecies.
- · Asiatic lions live in
India's Gir Forest;
- · African lions live in
central and southern Africa. Though they look similar, these two subspecies are very different in size, habitat, diet and more.
Wow... Check out the action. The lion walks like a king,
roars like a king and sleeps like a king..i call it HEAVEN.
Lions are the only truly social cats, with related
females living together in prides.
Hmmm... Romantic right?
I like this one most... Just me with all them women
The prides are overseen by males that compete for possession
fierce and often fatal battles.
Check out this lion who came back from a walk to find the
queen sleeping around
African lion prides consist of up to three males, around a dozen females, and their young, according to National Geographic.
There are prides that have as many as 40 members, though.
Asian lions divide themselves into two prides. The females have a pride and the males have a pride. They only come together during mating season.
Lions are predatory carnivores and it's the
females that perform most of the hunting at night
totally brutal...well now you know what is meant by power in numbers
This lioness got no chill
She does all the work then this lion guy gets the first
bite... Wait why is he licking it??
Male lions are generally larger than females and have a distinctive mane of hair around their heads. The mane's function is to make the male look more impressive to females and more intimidating to other males,
Interesting information on lions:
- The largest lion was recorded to be nearly 700 pounds and nearly 11 foot long.
- The oldest lion on record was nearly 29 years old.
- A lion's eyesight is five times better
- than a human being.
- A lion can hear prey from a mile away.
- Lions can smell nearby prey and
- estimate how long it was in the area.
- A lion's roar can be heard from five
- miles away.
- Tigers are so similar to lions that
- without their coats, their bodies look
- so similar only experts can tell them
- apart.
- When males join a pride, they usually
- kill other cubs.
- Lions can go four days without
- drinking.
- There is less than 50 000 lions in the
- world today.
- The gestation period is about 110
- days.
- A lion can drink for as long as 20 mins
- after eating
- A male eats first, even if the female
- catches the prey
- Lions rarely eat an entire prey, leaving
- the rest for other animals such as
- vultures
- The average lifespan is 13 years
Gay Pride? Famous Male Lions Just Hugging
Two lions shot dead after mauling naked man who entered enclosure
How to Survive a Lion Attack
Evolution of a Predator: How Big Cats Became Carnivores