Hmm I didn’t knw how I slept till the next day.
I prepared for lectures in the morning. My lecture time was 9:30am so I drove to campus with my sis.
While on campus I planned on how to get the chance to sleep with Susan. I could not get her out of my mind.
I discussed about Susan with my best friend on campus Adinkra. Adinkra was a resident in Commonwealth Hall.
I told him all about the sexy nature and how young Susan was.
Adinkra wondered how a young girl like Susan can marry my dad. He told me Susan is there cos of my dads riches.
I grew furious with such words from my friend.
I told Adinkra I love Susan and that I would like to sleep with her.
Adinkra told me it was an abomination to do that. But I insisted the girl is my class and type and not my father’s.
Adinkra told me he could help. He told me to approach Susan and tell her I love her. He said girls of this days might give in to me only if I become a little smart. He then said if that does not work then we will work out on the other alternatives.
I drove back to the house around 3:00pm. Nobody was around. I was surprised I didnt meet Susan in the house. He entered in 45minutes later. I was in the living room at that time.
Susan: good afternoon boy..
Me: good afternoon.. I thought you were around.
Susan: hmmmm…you knw girls and fashion..I went out to do my hair. Are you not hungry?
Me: hmmm I am.
She entered the kitchen and served me some banku with tilapia. She sat by me while I was eating. I was watching ‘Merlin season one’ so she was also doing so. She got up in 3 minutes later and told me she was going to change her dress.
Instantly I got up to and held her hand.
Me: you looking great…you very beautiful and young.
Susan: (raise eye brows) thanks.
I dip my hand in water and rinse it. I threw my hands around her neck and boldly told her I love her.
Susan pushed me to the sofa.
Are you crazy Albert. For God sake am your dads wife. How could you think of something silly like that.
Me: (with loud tone) my dad is too old for you. I know you don’t enjoy him as you would like to enjoy your man. I really love you Susan…
Susan: (slapped me and ran to her room).
I stood at the same position for almost 2 minutes. My instincts got me wrong. I was beginning to regret for taking such step. The backside of Susan alone ride me crazy when I see them.
I went back to my room and had several thoughts taunting my mind. I was thinking of what will happen when my dad get to know what has happened.
I called Adinkra and informed him about the brouhaha between Susan and I when I faced her with my proposal. Adinkra told me not to worry about that and that Susan will not tell my dad anything.
I was still on the call with Adinkra when my door opened. It was Susan.
Me: (on phone) Adinkra hold on. Susan what are you doing here.
Susan: I came to apologise for slapping you. You shouldnt have said that. You were crazy but I could have controlled myself.
Me: am OK girl. I only wanted you to know my feelings for you. You are not wrong for slapping me.
Susan: I know your dad might not be of my class but you are his son it is an abomination to do that.
Me: yea I know I just can’t control myself when I see you. I guess I have to leave this house to cut everything short.
Susan: hmmm…seriously.
She left my room after the chat. I called back Adinkra and told him I would be coming to stay with him for about a week on campus.
The next morning I approached my dad in the living room. He was with Susan. I told him we will be writing some semester exams within the week so I might stay on campus for the remaining days.
Susan stared at me with shock. She knew why I was leaving the house. My father gave me money to use while on campus. Susan told me she will call and I left.

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